My own crocus are limping along. I think the squirrels dug up most of them and ate them over the years, but I still have a couple that seem to blend in with the grass here. There is also a bit of clover, in anticipation for St. Patrick’s Day this week.

And, lucky me, I have a second daffodil. I think I spotted another early daffodil in Roland Park this morning when I was out walking, but otherwise I just see buds in other people’s yards.

I also have a few pansies that are trying hard, despite the rain. This poor but intrepid flower is really bogged down by the rain, but still trying.

The real action with Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day is over at May Dream’s Gardens. I also do my own spin on things with my Examiner column, so check out my “What’s Blooming in Baltimore?” article for this month.
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