Thursday, March 11, 2010

Searching for snowdrops

This morning I impulsively started this blog because I felt the need to journal not only about my personal gardening experiences, but about my garden writing. I write a column for Examiner and I try to stick by the “no first person” rule because I feel that it makes me look more professional. However, I do have a lot of photography/writing adventures and sometimes travel to gardens outside of the city. This morning I was inspired yet again by May Dreams Gardens, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

For example, I’ve been trying to find snowdrops for a month. My photos from last year are dated early February and I know that I found them out at Lake Roland, along that path that is up the hill, beyond the pumping station. But, searches at that time this year yielded nothing and then the big snows came. On Monday a friend and I walked back there for the first time since before the February storms. There is still plenty of snow, muck, and ice out there so it took forever to walk a short way, but I eventually found the snowdrops. I wanted to do a “What’s blooming in Baltimore?” article for March but not much is out and I wanted my snowdrops.

Since I found these, snowdrops seem to be everywhere. When I was running yesterday morning I found some naturalized along Evan's Chapel Road. On my way to work I found another small grouping near the small playground near the old Hampden police station.

Ironically I just found a daffodil in my own garden, but that story will be in my next post.

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