It has been a crazy busy fall for me and this blog and my Twitter account have been two of the casualties. I’m still keeping up with my writing, though and plan to get these peripheral things back on track soon so I can prepare for the coming of the spring gardening season.
This is not the greatest photo as I just took it as the light was beginning to wane. Also, this poinsettia is a bit past it’s prime. Before the holiday season I wrote two articles on these plants and squirreled them away so I didn’t have that worry. They are “How to select and care for a poinsettia plant” and “How to rebloom a poinsettia plant”. (I plan to take my own advice and rebloom this guy down the line.) Oh, and I learned why I could never correctly spell poinsettia over the years. I was spelling it as “pointsettia”. Duh.